Be curious.
Embrace change.
Become empowered.

Animation Production & Business Development
—for everyone!
What are you curious about?
We inspire you to embrace change and become leaders of tomorrow's animation industry by sharing concretes tips and fundamental knowledge. For us, the best way to support the well-being of our team mates, to build equal and productive relationships with our clients, to deliver great content on time and on budget was to weave well-being into every production process; from the first meeting with a potential client to the final delivery.

Over the last three years, we created many conferences, masterclass, blogs and courses to share our experiences and knowledge with our peers. We have helped people worldwide reconnect with their passion, create better working conditions for themselves and their team and have delivered great content to satisfied clients. We are blessed by each of them for they are an integral part of The Happy Producers' growing community.
But don't just take our word for it.

We are
The Happy Producers
We are Louis-Philippe Vermette and Virginie Lavallée, the co-founders of The Happy Producers.
We are two seasoned animation producers on a mission to prioritize the people behind the screen and create the workplace environment we deserve and desire for ourselves and all of our colleagues from the animation industry.
Through our e-courses, we share tried and tested processes and mindsets for optimized productions without the stress and overtime.
For us, the best way to support the well-being of our team mates, to build equal and productive relationships with our clients, to deliver great content on time and on budget was to weave well-being into every production process; from the first meeting with a potential client to the final delivery.

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