Project Scoping That Builds Trust

animation production project management scope of work Jul 09, 2024

 "How can I force my client to stick to the scope of work?"

-the easy answer is →you don't.

A few months ago, I held my 1st Q&A session for my students of Bidding Winning Animation Projects.

The #1 topic on their mind was the scope of work.

Sticking to the agreed scope of work is a huge challenge!

Animation and VFX production require a lot of preparation
→resources allocation
→planning and scheduling

Therefore, the sooner we have all the information we need to proceed, the safer we feel.

Yet, the client changes their mind, and unexpected stuff will happen.
These surprises pop up and wreak havoc in our perfectly crafted plan →we freak out!

Here are the 3 steps to deal with a change in the scope of work.

#1: Don't freak out. 
It is not personal. This is a number game. No one is trying to mess up your perfect plan; the client only wants what is best for their project. It is not about you.

#2: Evaluate.
How long will it take for your team to add this to the scope of work, and how much will it cost?

#3: Present and Propose.

Present your evaluation to your client: "The extra character you requested will cost $20,000."

And make suggestions to remove something equivalent in the scope of work: "By removing 3 character variations, we can relocate these labor days on your new request."

By following these steps, you build trust with your client by:

1️⃣ Showing character by not taking it personally and responding with a solution-minded approach.

2️⃣ Offering clarity on the impact of their request. This is critical. You need to inform your client of the cost of their request. It is your responsibility to do so, and you cannot expect them to know an easy request from an expensive one.

3️⃣ Proving your commitment and competence by proposing solutions that do not require your client to pay extra.

All the while protecting your studio's bottom line!

You cannot 'force' your client to adhere to the scope of work, but you can influence them to stay within the agreed-upon boundaries.

If you want to learn more about scope of work for animation productions of all shapes and sizes, download our free ballpark bid template and listen to our free masterclass on scoping and scheduling.

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