"The clients never know what they want!"

bidding scope of work Sep 03, 2024

This was the year 2010.


After a decade as an artist, I switched to a management position. As a project manager, I realized that we often had production issues due to misunderstandings with the client. 


Either they had changed their mind, or we had misinterpreted the work to be done.


“The clients don’t know what they want; they always change their mind.” –complained the team.


Although I understood my team's frustrations, I could relate to my client. Sometimes, "you know it only when you see it," right?

The team wanted clarity upfront to avoid any uncertainties.

My client wanted flexibility, to try some things out and make mistakes.


Are we stuck in two opposing positions? Are clients on one side and studios on the other?

Why do we never have enough money to create what the client wants?

Why do clients always want more than they can afford? 

This is the same question—only two sides of the same coin. 


And when I say coin, I mean it literally. Money wasn’t the problem; it was how we spent it.


From that moment on. I needed to understand how projects were bid so that I could play the game better. There was a way to have it all: happy clients, effective teams, and profitable projects; it all pointed to how projects were bid. This moment was the genesis of my bidding strategy.


My motivation to have it all and my persistence in making work easier for the team and the client worked better than I expected. 


I was promoted!


  • I was reading scripts for upcoming projects.
  • I was asked to provide cost estimates and find solutions to help these projects come to life.
  • I started traveling for work, meeting clients, and attending events.


I had found a way to have the impact I initially sought when I started my career.


“Do not underestimate your corporate power.” my boss Jan-Fryderyk told me then. This statement stayed with me because I had never imagined that I could impact a business and the industry—thanks to my bidding strategy.


created Bidding Winning Animation Projects to share my positive mindset and bidding strategy with you.


Do you have questions about bidding and project scoping? Your client is driving you crazy, and you are looking for someone to help you. Are you ready to invest in your growth? Click here to book a free 45-minute call with me, 


To your success,



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