Our Latest Course in Collaboration with EXPERTS and UQAT
Jun 28, 2023
This course was designed for artists stepping into a leadership role, as well as team leads and supervisors who want to deepen their leadership and management skills for an inclusive and healthy team culture that focuses on the human aspect of animation, VFX, and video game production without compromising on productivity. From Artist to Lead is a self-paced, online course that addresses challenges specific to these industries.
This leadership course was created in collaboration with EXPERTS, Synthèse Pôle Image's e-learning platform, with the support of Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue.
The 2-hour online course, available in both English and French, is completely FREE for members of the QFTC, La Guilde du jeu vidéo du Québec, Alliance Québec Animation and XN Québec!
Synthèse fosters the growth and development of leading-edge expertise and promotes cooperation among artists, students, and professionals working in Québec's digital creation industry.
Founded by Québec's department of education and higher education (MEES) in 2018, it is the mission of Synthèse to stimulate and accelerate training and education in computer graphics.
Learn more about this course here!
The Happy Producers are very grateful for this partnership, which helps us serve our professional community and promote well-being in creative project management.
Together, we are creating the workplace culture of our dreams for ourselves, our teams and our many partners!
With Love,
The Happy Producers
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