Transforming "name and shame" 🌼
Sep 11, 2024
At The Happy Producers, our mission is to make well-being the #1 priority in animation and VFX.
To this end, we provide examples of behaviors we consider unconducive to well-being. We practice learning and reflecting on our individual and collective situations so we can transform our struggles into wisdom. Like us, many of you have had negative experiences. The desire for retaliation toward those who wronged you might be a driving energy.
The temptation to "name and shame" can be strong.
If you want us to hold this banner for you, look elsewhere. Our goal will never be to name or shame anyone but to be positive examples of healthy behaviors conducive to well-being.
Our quest for well-being is fully inclusive.
We want well-being for you, me, our friends, colleagues, and everyone else, including those who wronged us.
So instead of "name and shame," let's "name and transform."
Not naming "people" but behaviors.
Naming toxic behaviors is an act of recognition. Once we have recognized that something exists, we can start looking at ways to transform it into something better.
Let's name behaviors that are not constructive, toxic, or hurtful and learn from them so we can propose other behaviors that are positive, healthy, and conducive to our individual and collective well-being.
Hard times call for hope and constructive actions.
What positive lesson have you learned from a negative situation?
Would you like your production to be less stressful and even more efficient?
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